Single  Window is defined as a facility that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information and documents with a single entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements


MINUTES № 5 C of the Interagency Working Group Meeting on Implementation of the "Single Window - Local Solution” Technology in the Area of Southern Customs and Ports of the Odessa Region


Meeting of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups for Implementation of the “Single Window – Local Decision” Technology in the Operations area of Pivdenna (Southern) Customs House and Odessa Region Ports

Kyiv                                                                                                             27 September 2012


Place: 11-г, Degtiarivska St.,

The Meeting was called to order at 14 : 00 

The Meeting was adjourned at 16 : 30   

Those present: see Annex # 1



  1. Information about changes in the composition of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups for Implementation of the “Single Window – Local Solution” Technology in the operations area of Pivdenna Customs House and Odessa Region ports.
    • 5 minutes
    • O. I. Platonov, Deputy Leader of the Interagency Working Group, President of Association UKRZOVNISHTRANS 

2. Information of the State Customs Service of Ukraine (SCSU) and Odessa Commercial Sea Port (OCSP) about the work done pursuant to the decision of Interagency Working and Expert Groups dated 26.04.2012 concerning the preparation of the plan for technical and technological interaction in commissioning the “Single Window – Local Solution” technology in OCSP.

Time: 20 minutes

  •  V. I. Voronoi, Member of the Working Group, Chief of Service for Logistics and Commercial Work, the Odessa Commercial Sea Port

3. Discussing draft standard documents:

3.1. Draft Law of Ukraine “On Peculiarities of Processing and Clearing Containerised Cargoes, Containers and Transportation Vehicles which Transport them and on Amendments to some Legislative Acts of Ukraine”;

3.2. Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Amendments to Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 21 May # 451 ‘Issues of Passing through State Border of Persons, Motor, Water, Railway and Air Transportation Vehicles of Carriers and Goods which are Transported by them'".

3.3. Draft Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine “On Amendments to Regulations of Issuance of Cargo Shipping Documents for Carriage by Maritime Transport” approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communication of Ukraine dated 13 December 2004 # 1098.

3.4. Draft Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine “On Approval of Procedure and Format of Information Exchange within the Framework of the Unified Port Community Information System”.

Time: 20 minutes

  • V. I. Voronoi, Member of the Working Group, Chief of Service for Logistics and Commercial Work, the Odessa Commercial Sea Port


4. Plan of work in 2012 and 2013 on implementation of the tasks by the Interagency Working Group and participants of the project.


  • 10 minutes
  • O. I. Platonov, Deputy Leader of the Interagency Working Group, President of Association UKRZOVNISHTRANS 

5. Date and place of the following Meeting of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups.

Time: 10 minutes

Reporter: O. I. Platonov, Deputy Leader of the Interagency Working Group, President of Association UKRZOVNISHTRANS 



The Meeting was called to order by Oleg Isaakovych Platonov.

O. I. Platonov announced the agenda which was unanimously adopted.

Concerning the first item of the agenda:


1.         Information about changes in the composition of the Interagency Working Group for commissioning the “Single Window – Local Solution” project in the operations area of Pivdenna Customs House and Odessa Region ports.


O. I. Platonov reported about the changes that took place in the composition of the Interagency Working Group for commissioning the “Single Window – Local Solution” project in the operations area of Pivdenna Customs House and Odessa Region ports and in addition informed that there were nominated candidates from the Security Service of Ukraine: Yevgen Yevgenovych Grechyn, Chief of the Operational Division, Central Authority of SS of Ukraine, from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine: Volodymyr Petrovych Movchaniuk, Chief of Public Security Division, Department of Transport Militia and from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine: Oleksandr Mykolayovych Tverdokhlib, Deputy Director of the Department for the Natural Resources Environmental Control (instead of Vadym Yuriiovych Pozharskyi, Deputy Director of the Department for State Ecological Policy and International Activity and Chief of Division).  It was moved that from the State Customs Service of Ukraine Yurii Ivanovych Sokolov, Deputy Chief of Pivdenna Customs House, and Oleksandr Olegovych Fedorov, Chief of Authority for the Issues of Organisational Provision Organisational and Executive Department, be included in the Expert Group. The composition of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups as at 27.09.12 is attached hereto (see Annex # 2 hereto).




1. Note the changes in the  in the composition of the Interagency Working Group for commissioning the “Single Window – Local Solution” technology in the operations area of Pivdenna Customs House and Odessa Region ports..


Concerning the second item of the agenda:


  1. V. I. Voronyi (OCSP) submitted a short report on the work which had been carried out after the last Meeting of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups by the Odessa Commercial Sea Port and its principal partner for commissioning the Unified Port Community Information System (UIS) – the State Customs Service of Ukraine (see Annex # 3 “Report of V. I. Voronyi”).


The report was discussed by:

O. O. Nikolaichuk (SCSU) who presented the technical questions of interaction between OCSP and SCSU in implementation of the “Single Window – Local Solution” pilot project and

O. Ye. Moshynska (SCSU) who told about the steps taken by the Pivdenna Customs House concerning the implementation of the pilot project in the Port of Odessa.



  1. Note the reports of V. I. Voronyi,  O. O. Nikolaichuk and O. Ye. Moshynska  and recognize the state of the project implementation as satisfactory.

Concerning the third item of the agenda:

3. Discussing draft standard documents:

3.1. Draft Law of Ukraine “On Peculiarities of Processing and Clearing Containerised Cargoes, Containers and Transportation Vehicles which Transport them and on Amendments to some Legislative Acts of Ukraine”;

3.2. Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Amendments to Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 21 May # 451 ‘Issues of Passing through State Border of Persons, Motor, Water, Railway and Air Transportation Vehicles of Carriers and Goods which are Transported by them'".

3.3. Draft Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine “On Amendments to Regulations of Issuance of Cargo Shipping Documents for Carriage by Maritime Transport” approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communication of Ukraine dated 13 December 2004 # 1098.

3.4. Draft Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine “On Approval of Procedure and Format of Information Exchange within the Framework of the Unified Port Community Information System”.

V. I. Voronoy moved that the Draft Law of Ukraine “On Peculiarities of Processing and Clearing Containerised Cargoes, Containers and Transportation Vehicles which Transport them and on Amendments to some Legislative Acts of Ukraine” be considered within the framework of the schedule approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. He also proposed to dwell on the consideration of the Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 21 May 2012 # 451 “‘Issues of Passing through the State Border of Persons, Motor, Water, Railway and Air Transportation Vehicles of Carriers and Goods which they Transport”. Mr. V. I. Voronoy cautioned the sitters of the Meeting against discussions unrelated to the purpose of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups organization and proposed to leave in the Draft Resolution only the amendments pertaining to UIS which were coordinated with all interested ministries and services (see Annex # 4 Table of Amendments”).

G. V. Kravets, Deputy Chief State Sanitary Officer on Water Transport of Ukraine, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, spoke on the grounds of the alterations proposed by SSESU and emphasized the requirement to consider the principles of sanitary protection of the territory of Ukraine stated in the current national and international standard and legal documents as a guarantee of the state biological security under the present conditions in making any decisions on facilitating the procedure of clearance of transportation vehicles, persons and imported cargoes in the maritime and river ports of Ukraine (see Annex # 5).  

The following sitters took part in the discussion:

S. B. Kotov (SABSU), M. M. Gulbani (AOFU), K. M. Muromtsev (SMSU), V. B. Kusturov (the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine), O. I. Platonov (Association UKRZOVNISHTRANS) and D. V. Sergiienko (АсМАП).

O. I. Platonov considered the question of the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine concerning establishment of UIS and informed that, as it was written earlier in the explanation note to the Draft Resolution of CMU, the UIS establishment requires no financing from the state budget. As there was no other comments from the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine it was proposed to submit the Draft to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for coordination without separate discussion with the said authorities.

Besides, O. I. Platonov urged the representatives of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine to speed up the work concerning the adoption of the Draft Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine “On Amendments to Regulations of Issuance of Cargo Shipping Documents for Carriage by Maritime Transport” approved by Order of Ministry of Transport and Communication of Ukraine on 13 December 2004 # 1098 and the representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and SCSU – the Draft Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine “On Approval of Procedure and Format of Information Exchange within the Framework of the Unified Port Community Information System” and analyse the results of concurrence of the draft documents at the next Meeting of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups.


3.1. Recommend the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine to:

  1. Submit the draft amendments to Resolution of CMU # 451 dated 21.05.2012 “Issues of Passing through State Border of Persons, Motor, Water, Railway and Air Transportation Vehicles of Carriers and Goods which are Transported by them" which only relate to the issue of creating and functioning UIS and have been endorsed by all the interested ministries and services to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for consideration;
  2. Speed up the work on consideration and endorsement of the Draft Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine “On Amendments to Regulations of Issuance of Cargo Shipping Documents for Carriage by Maritime Transport” approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communication of Ukraine dated 13 December 2004 # 1098.
  3. Entrust the Secretariat of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups for commissioning the “Single Window – Local Solution” technology in the operations area of Pivdenna Customs House and Odessa Region ports with preparing recommendations to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerning consideration at the earliest possible date of the draft amendments to Resolution of CMU # 451 dated 21.05.2012 “Issues of Passing through State Border of Persons, Motor, Water, Railway and Air Transportation Vehicles of Carriers and Goods which are Transported by them".

3.2. Entrust the State Customs Service of Ukraine with:

3.2.1. Prepare and submit for consideration the draft agreement between the Odessa Port and SCSU concerning the procedure and format of exchanging information by means of the Unified Port Community System.

3.2.2. By 15.10.2012 arrange for exchanging the information between the Odessa Port and SCSU.

Concerning the fourth item of the agenda:

4. Plan of work in 2012 and 2013 on implementation of the tasks by the Interagency Working Group and participants of the project.

O. I. Platonov moved that the presentation of Mario Apostolov, Regional Adviser of UNEEC for Trade, concerning the analysis of results and plans of commissioning the pilot project from the point of view of UNEEC (see Annex # 6) be considered.

In accordance with M. Apostolov’s report results O. I. Platonov stressed that the main thesis of trade procedures facilitation and issuance procedure speeding up is the consequential transfer of records and data and registration of facts from document to document and from organization to organization which may become the principal goal of the “Single Window – Local Solution” project. Besides, O. I. Platonov informed that the main task of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups for the next half-year shall be:

  • Making decisions on concurrence of the plan for acceptance of separate standard documents;
  • Completion of organization of the service Centre for the participants of the international transportation process by means of modern equipment which will be located without the checkpoint of the customers free access and must satisfy the modern requirements to confidentiality protection and security;
  • Establishing a leading organization of the port community;
  • Preparation of requirements specification for studying the trade procedures facilitation obstacles;
  • Establishment of a project financing fund under the supervision of the Interagency Working Group.


  1. Entrust the Secretariat of the Interagency Working Expert Groups with preparation of the next Meeting:
    1. Proposals concerning formation of the leading organization for commission the “Single Window – Local Solution” technology in the operations area of Pivedenna Customs House and Odessa Region ports;
    2.  4.1.1.  Proposals concerning organization of the fund for the project direct investing;
    3. Draft Resolution or Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerning the issues of the Interagency Working Group and its authorities.
  2. Hold on 30 May 2013 in Odessa the Third International Seminar of UNEEC concerning the issues of the Single Window commissioning in Ukraine.

Concerning the fifth issue of the agenda:

5. Date and place of the following Meeting of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups.

Hold the next Meeting in the first decade of November 2012.




  1. Hold the next Meeting of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups in the first decade of November 2012.



Chairman:                                                                                                          O. I. Platonov