Single  Window is defined as a facility that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information and documents with a single entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements


MINUTES № 3 C of the Interagency Working Group Meeting on Implementation of the "Single Window - Local Solution” Technology in the Area of Southern Customs and Ports of the Odessa Region


Visiting Session of Interagency Working Group on

Implementation of “Single Window – Local Solution” in the area of the Southern Customs and Port of the Odessa Region  

Odessa                                                                                                          29– 30 May, 2012


Venue: Odessa

List of participants: Annex 1



  1. Information about the changes in the membership of the Interagency Working Group and Expert Group on Introduction of Single Window – Local Solution within the Southern Customs and Port of the Odessa Region.
  2. Informing about the introduction of Single Window Concept and Port Community System in Odessa Sea Commercial Port.
  3. Visits to the working places of PCS users.  
  4. Participation in the second UNECE International Seminar on Trade Facilitation  “A Local Single Window (Port Community System) for the Ports in the Odessa Region in the Perspective of the European Integration of Ukraine”, May 30, 2012
  5. Date and venue of the next meeting of the Interagency Working Group and Expert Group.


Mr Schelkunov Vladimir opened the Session.

First item of Agenda:  

Information about the changes in the membership of the Interagency Working Group and Expert Group on Introduction of Single Window – Local Solution within the Southern Customs and Port of the Odessa Region.

Mr Schelkunov informed on the changes in the membership of the Interagency Working Group on Introduction of Single Window – Local Solution within the Southern Customs and Port of the Odessa Region (Annex 2).

Second item of Agenda:

Informing about the introduction of Single Window Concept and Port Community System in Odessa Sea Commercial Port.

Mr. Vaskov Yuri, Head of the Odessa Sea Commercial Port (OSCP), congratulated the participants of the Visiting Session of the Interagency Working Group, and informed on the experience and the next steps of introducing the PCS within Odessa Port. He also mentioned the cooperation with PLASKE JSC in respect with the implementation process.

Mr. Voronoy Viacheslav, Head of Logistics and Commercial Operation Service at the Odessa Sea Commercial Port, described the idea of ​​the Port Community System and informed on the current system within the Odessa Port (so called “free practice”, e-pass, e-planning the entry of vehicles into the port, the integration with technical control facilities). He reported further development and cooperation with PLASKE JSC in respect of its initiatives to implement the PCS and its implementation. He highlighted the challenges of passing the draft regulations, designed to create a legal base for the proper functioning of the system.

Third item of Agenda:

Visits to the working places of PCS users.

Following the above presentations and reports, the delegates were introduced with the workplaces of PCS users:

  • Odessa-Harbor customs terminal under the Southern Customs;
  • Border control at the port of Odessa
  • Sanitary and vet control points
  • Working points operating the automatic access control system on the territory of the Odessa port.


During the visit, participants saw the innovations, presented by the port of Odessa in real-time mode. They had the opportunity to discuss various challenges of introducing the single window concept in OSCP with its employees.

Fourth item of Agenda:

Participation in the second UNECE International Seminar on Trade Facilitation  “A Local Single Window (Port Community System) for the Ports in the Odessa Region in the Perspective of the European Integration of Ukraine”, May 30, 2012

Members of the Interagency Working Group participated in the second UNECE International Seminar on Trade Facilitation  “A Local Single Window (Port Community System) for the Ports in the Odessa Region in the Perspective of the European Integration of Ukraine”, held on May 30, 2012. Minutes (Annex 3).

Fifth item of Agenda:

Date and venue of the next meeting of the Interagency Working Group and Expert Group

Mr Voronoy proposed to hold the next meeting of the Interagency Working Group to address urgent issues of the single window introduction in OSCP in the nearest future.



taken by Interagency Working Group on 29-30.05.2012 regarding Single Window – Local Solution pilot project


  1. To adopt the changes in the membership of Interagency Working Group and Expert Group on Introduction of Single Window – Local Solution within the Southern Customs and Port of the Odessa Region.
  2. To inform the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerning the changes in the membership of Interagency Working Group and Expert Group on Introduction of Single Window – Local Solution within the Southern Customs and Port of the Odessa Region.
  3. To take due note of the presentations and comments made by the representatives of ministries and agencies on the introduction of Single Window – Local Solution.
  4. To ask the Prime Minister of Ukraine to assist the Ministries of Economic Development and Trade, Health, Environment and Natural Resources, Agricultural Policy and Food, Finance, Justice of Ukraine, State Customs Service and the Administration of State Border Service of Ukraine, in prompt coordination of the changes in the:

- Draft Law of Ukraine "On Special Features of Handling and Clearance of Containerized Goods, Containers and Vehicles";

- Typical Process Scheme of Crossing the Border for Persons, Road, Water, Rail and Air Vehicles, Carriers and Goods, adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers as of 21 May 2012 No 451;

- Rules for Document Registration for Sea Transport, adopted by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine as of 13 December 2004 No 1098, prepared by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.


  1. To ask the Ministry of Infrastructure, Economic Development and Trade, Health, Environment and Natural Resources, Agricultural Policy and Food, Finance, State Customs Service and the Administration of State Border Service of Ukraine to take part in the next meeting of the Interagency Working Group on Introduction of Single Window - Local Solution within the Southern Customs and Port of the Odessa Region to discuss changes in Typical Process Scheme of Crossing the Border for Persons, Road, Water, Rail and Air Vehicles, Carriers and Goods, adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers as of 21 May 2012 No 451, prepared by the Ministry of Infrastructure and tested as per agreed position;


  1. To refer to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and Ministry of Justice of Ukraine to agree on changes to the Rules for Document Registration for Sea Transport, adopted by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine as of 13 December 2004, prepared by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.


  1. To approve the Recommendations of the second UNECE International Seminar on Trade Facilitation  “A Local Single Window (Port Community System) for the Ports in the Odessa Region in the Perspective of the European Integration of Ukraine”, held on May 30, 2012, in Odessa.


  1. To hold the next meeting of Interagency Working Group on 19 June 2012.


Chairman                                                                             Schelkunov Vladimir