Single  Window is defined as a facility that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information and documents with a single entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements


MINUTES № 1 C of the Interagency Working Group Meeting on Implementation of the "Single Window - Local Solution” Technology in the Area of Southern Customs and Ports of the Odessa Region


of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups Meeting on implementation of technology "Single Window - local solution” in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region.


Kyiv                                                                                                              December 22, 2011                                          

Location: Degtarivska str, 11-g

Start of meeting: 10:00 AM    

End of meeting: 11:30 AM  

Participants: Annex № 1



  1. Election of the working groups of the Interagency Working Group on implementation of technology "Single Window - local solutions in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region.

Shchelkunov V, President of ICC Ukraine, head of the initiative group


  1. "Single Window" functions on a local level.

Mario Apostolov, UNECE Regional Adviser on Trade


  1. Determination of activities of the Interagency Working Group in 2012.

Platonov O, Chairman of the SCSU Public Council, President of the Association "UKRZOVNISHTRANS"


The meeting was opened by the head of the initiative group Shchelkunov Vladimir.

From the very first issue on the agenda:      

Election of the working groups of the Interagency Working Group on implementation of technology "Single Window - local solutions in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region.

Mr. Shchelkunov reported that were worked out all the issues regarding the orders of Prime Minister of Ukraine from 27.07.2011 № 36695/1/1-11, and also informed that all concerned ministries, departments and public professional organizations provide their candidates to interagency and expert groups for the introduction of technology "single window - Local solutions" in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region. Then Mr. Shchelkunov proposed to approve the members of the Interagency Working Group (Appendix № 2) and Expert Group (Annex № 3) development and implementation technologies "Single Window - local decision."


  1. To approve the personal membership of the Interagency Working group on implementing the technology "single window - Local Solutions" in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region.
  2. To approve the personal membership of the expert group of development and implementation technology "single window - Local Solutions" in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region.
  3. To send in address of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine request for approval of the interagency and expert working group on implementing the technology "single window - Local Solutions" in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region.


Voted "for" unanimously.

From the second issue on the agenda:

"Single Window" functions on a local level.

Mr. Mario Apostolov informed that 14.12.2011 in Geneva (Switzerland) hosted a seminar on single window information service. One of the meeting was the issue of financing such a project, where it was noted that the cost of implementing this technology can range from 2000000 Euro (exp. Spain) to 100 million Euros (Japanese experience).

Also, Mr. M. Apostolov presented system of financing, which was adopted in Port Felixstowe (UK), which was introduced fees for services for each container in the amount of £ 1.8 for imports of container and £ 0.7 from exports - so the system has been built and implemented a self-financing the project.

Then Mr. M Apostolov held a presentation (Appendix № 4) on "Functions of "Single Window" on the local level".


1) Take information of Mr. M. Apostolov into account.

Voted "for" unanimously.

On the third issue on the agenda:

Determination of activities of the Interagency Working Group in 2012.

Word of the report was given to The President of the Association UKRZOVNISHTRANS Oleg Platonov. Mr. Platonov informed about the need to identify the level of commitment and support of the project by the executive authorities of Ukraine.

Also, Mr. Platonov noted that for today Customs Service of Ukraine held a great job with the practical application of of electronic documents in the time of customs clearance procedures, enabling today declarant to submit a declaration in the form of an electronic record using EDS. However, today it is not used by other ministries and agencies, which inhibits the the process of registration. To start this work throughout Ukraine difficult because the Government of Ukraine supported the initiative on the local level. In our country it is possible to achieve in the long term and global solutions using project - train "Viking", which is our strategic decision towards the East - West and uniting the Baltic and Black Sea. In this direction, a great work is performed by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine and Railways. Today, this agency introduced a bill of lading in the form of electronic note and electronic signature certified nationwide and plans to introduce in 2012 the technology for international transport. The first step of our group, suggested relevant ministries and agencies to send to the secretariat of the Interagency Working Group to discuss issues and specific proposals for the introduction of technology "single window - Local Solutions" until 20.01.2012 

The discussion was attended by:

  • Kuczynski Y (Association of International Road Carriers of Ukraine)
  • Golubyatnikov M (Ministry of Health)
  • Pashko P (State Customs Service of Ukraine)
  • Tereshchenko S (Association UKRZOVNISHTRANS)
  • Apostolov M. (UNECE)


1) To Offer The UNC ICC to take over the secretariat of the Interagency Working Group and the Expert Group on Technology Implementation "Single Window - local solution" in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region.

2) To send to the address of the interested ministries and departments to submit a proposal to the Secretary of Working Group 01.20.1012 to discuss issues regarding implementation of technology "single window - Local Solutions" in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region.

3) Perform the following joint meeting in the last week of January or first week of February 2012.

Voted "for" unanimously.

Summing up the second joint meeting of the Director of Information Technology and Statistics of the State Customs Service of Ukraine - Mr. Pavel Pashko confirmed the interest of the State Customs Service of Ukraine to accelerate the exchange of information on the decision to implement control functions at checkpoints on the state border of Ukraine and supported the proposal of Golubyatnikov MI (Ministry of Health) about the possibility of sharing registries. Mr. Pashko also thanked all participants for their active participation and constructive speeches at the meeting.



Head of meeting                                                                              Vladimir Shchelkunov