Single  Window is defined as a facility that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information and documents with a single entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements


MINUTES № 10 C of the Interagency Working Group Meeting on Implementation of the "Single Window - Local Solution” Technology in the Area of Southern Customs and Ports of the Odessa Region


Meeting of the Interagency Working and Experts Groups for Implementation of the “Single Window – Local Solution” Technology in the Operations Area of Pivdenna Customs House and Odessa Region Ports


25 September 2013


Place: 11-г, Degtiarivska St.

The Meeting was called to order at 14:30

The Meeting was adjourned at 16:30  

Composition of sitters: see Annex # 1

Composition of Members of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups: see Annex # 2




1.         On the information system of port community (hereinafter – PCIS) concerning the usage by the Odessa Port Administration of electronic order (without hard copies) and issuing permits in the form of electronic documents for taking the containerised goods out of the Port territory by transportation vehicles.


Reporter: I. V. Voronoi, Chief of the Strategic

Development Service, SE “Administration

of Sea Ports of Ukraine”

Time: 10 minutes


2.         On the strategy of trade and transport procedures simplification in Ukraine.


Reporter: M. Apostolov, Regional Council

of EEC UN, Department of Trade

Time: 15 minutes


3.         On implementation of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 03.07.2013 # 553 “On Changes and Amendments to Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine date 21 May 2012 # 451” and the Project Members’ reports on the state of its implementation.


Reporter: O. I. Platonov, Deputy Head of

the Interagency Working Group, President


Time: 10 minutes


4.         Miscellaneous.


The Meeting was opened by V. I. Schelkunov, Deputy Head of the Interagency Working Group, President of the Ukrainian National Committee, International Chamber of Commerce. He announced the Agenda of the Meeting, which was unanimously adopted.

V. I. Schelkunov informed the sitters of the Meeting about the Ukrainian Government support to the "Single Window – Local Solution” Project and stressed that the work on the Project implementation is reaching another level. 


Concerning the first item of the Agenda:

On the Port Community Information System (hereinafter PCIS), in particular concerning the usage by the Odessa Port Administration of the electronic order (without hard copies) and issuing permits in the form of electronic documents for taking the containerised goods out of the Port territory by transportation vehicles.


V. I. Voronoi informed that in accordance with Order of Head of SE “Administration of Sea Ports of Ukraine” dated 12.08.2013 # 117 on 2 September of the current year the Port of Odessa started to apply the Process Scheme providing for PCIS application where it goes about the usage by the Odessa Port Administration of the electronic order (without hard copies) and issuing permits in the form of electronic documents for the transportation vehicles to take out of the Port territory the containerised goods carried under the internal or common customs transit procedure to be brought in the customs territory of Ukraine through the international checkpoint for the marine communication “Odessa Commercial Sea Port”, and that the forwarding organisations, Odessa Sea Port Administration and the “Odessa-Port” customs station have completely passed over to the electronic processing of orders as provided by the corresponding Order of SE “Administration of Sea Ports of Ukraine”.

In the course of the implementation process practical research, correction and current regulation of the problems arising after introduction of the orders processing exceptionally in the electronic form were being conducted.

For instance, in response to the numerous appeals of the forwarding organisations another constituent part of the transportation process optimisation – introduction of the electronic queue for orders processing was worked out and adopted.

V. I. Voronoi reported that last week First Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine visited the Odessa Port where he familiarised with the system operation and gave directions concerning the extension of the system to all Ports of Ukraine.

The reporter underlined the necessity to amend the “Instruction for Customs Control and Customs Clearance of Ships and Goods which are Carried by them” approved by Order of the State Customs Service of Ukraine dated 17.09.2004 # 678 as it is caused by the substantial organisational changes in the structure of the executive bodies and also by adoption of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 03.07.2013 # 553.

The reporter stated that the practice in question is planned to be extended to other ports of Ukraine. 

O. Ye. Moshynska noted that the Ministry of Revenue has already prepared draft changes to the Instruction approved by Order # 678 of the State Customs Service of Ukraine.

O. I. Platonov supported the requirement of the current standard and legal acts inventory and reducing them to compliance with the international trade and practice requirements.

O. I. Platonov also informed the Meeting about the obtained information concerning the application of the Association of International Forwarders of Ukraine to the address of the Ministry of Revenues and Charges of Ukraine regarding the PCIS implementation and proposed that the Members of the Interagency Working Group submit to the Secretariat of the Interagency Working Group the materials or inquiries relating to PCIS implementation matters for the purpose of explanatory work with the interested parties, consideration and publicising those question on the Project site.

As to the question of payment for services provided by means of PCIS raised in the above mentioned application, O. I. Platonov explained that the Project “Single Window – Local Solution” is implemented on the principle of self-repayment and is invested by a private investor and customer in accordance with Memorandum of Cooperation, technical and performance specifications agreed with the general user, the Odessa Port Administration, and in this connection the industrial operation of PCIS is planned as self-repaying. The information on this question is in public domain and reflected on the Project site.

Yu. I. Sokolov, First Deputy Chief of Pivdenna Customs House, Ministry of Revenue, noted that today the work is carried out in a very narrow segment – processing of the electronic order, and the urgent task is to ensure the information control over all types of cargo arriving at the Port; he supported the extension of the further stage to the goods that are carried by all types of transport in all transportation directions. That is why, the Port Administration has to pass over to the further stage as quickly as possible, the stage of development and software provision of control of all container shipping including empty containers in order to record and control the said movements in the electronic system.

In addition, Yu. I. Sokolov confirmed that the Customs is ready to consider the application of SE “ASPU” concerning the corresponding changes in the process schemes and procedures for the purpose of extending the Project to other ports of Ukraine included.

O. I. Platonov noted that today PCIS and UKRZALIZNYTSIA are able to exchange the information, data and documents, use the electronic digital signature, both ACKC of Ministry of Revenue and SE UKRZALIZNYTSIA, for the purpose of the information exchange on the interagency level.




1.         Note the information. Continue to research and improve the technological processes in the Odessa Port for the purpose of implementing the innovative decisions enabling to encompass all kinds of services and control events that take place at the checkpoints when goods cross the state border.

1.1.      Entrust the Members of the Expert Group for Legislation Optimisation to inventory the standard and legal base for the purpose of developing an action plan regarding the changes in or adoption of new standard acts that shall satisfy the international practices and international trade requirements before the next Meeting of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups.

1.2.      Involve the representatives of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups in preparation of draft changes to the Instruction approved by Order of the State Customs Service of Ukraine dated 17.09.2004 # 678 and prepare proposals concerning unification of transportation documents forms (e.g. order, etc. and transfer them into the unified electronic form for all transportation directions) approved by Rules of Processing Cargo Transportation Documents for Carriage by Marine Transport which were approved by the Ministry of Transport and Communication of Ukraine dated 13.12.2004 # 1098.

1.3.      Introduce in the Odessa Sea Port the Process Scheme which provides for the usage of PCIS when it concerns the usage by the Port Administration of the electronic Order without hard copies for the carriage out of the Odessa Sea Port by means of the railway transport vehicles the goods in containers which were carried into the territory of Ukraine by means of sea transport and are cleared under a corresponding customs procedure in the territory of the Checkpoint for Marine Communication “Odessa Commercial Sea Port”, and also the goods in containers carried under the internal or common customs transit procedure to be brought into the customs territory of Ukraine through the above mentioned international Checkpoint and for the purpose of stated above correspondingly amend the Order of SE “Administration of Sea Ports of Ukraine” dated 12.08.2013 # 117 (or issue a new order) within a period before 10.10.2013.


Concerning the second item of the Agenda:


On the strategy of trade and transport procedures simplification in Ukraine.


Reporter M. Apostolov remarked that EEC UN rates high the work on implementation the “Single Window – Local Solution” Project and considers the said Project as a great success.

The Reporter stressed that, in his opinion, the logical continuation  of the Project will be the application of the positive experience accumulated during the implementation of the Single Window and the work on establishing a national body for trade facilitation for the purpose of strengthening the interaction between the governmental and private structures, organising a centre for the information dissemination, for ensuring the participation in the international organisations and preparation of the trade facilitation national strategy (see Annex # 3 “Presentation”).

            V. I. Schelkunov proposed to ask EEC UN to provide methodological and practical assistance concerning the development of a strategy for the facilitation of the international trade procedures on the national level.

            O. I. Platonov suggested supporting the proposal of M. Apostolov concerning the development of the Project on higher, national level.

            A. Videnov, expert in post-customs control and audit of EUBAM Mission, supported the necessity of development and introduction of the national strategy for trade facilitation and proposed thinking over the methods of estimation (measurement) that may be used in such work (by analogy with indicators of the progress evaluation and their concrete values that were developed and adopted for the agreement of providing financial support for the development of the border crossing procedures that was concluded between European Union and Ukraine). Application of such indicators will create an additional possibility of making the real and operative estimate of the achievements and taking concrete measures in the corresponding directions; and this will be much more efficient than waiting for the World Bank annual report on the conditions of doing business in order to know the actual place of Ukraine as to creating the favourable conditions for business development. Such approach will help to improve the management of this process and, in the long run, will enable the most favourable conditions for business and an increase of foreign investments.




2.         Note the information. Before 01.11.2013 the Secretariat shall organize consultations with the central executive bodies concerning the generalisation proposals as to the development of the trade and transport procedures facilitation strategy for the purpose of strengthening the transit abilities of Ukraine and increasing the foreign investments.


Concerning the third item of the Agenda:


On implementation of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 03.07.2013 # 553 “On Changes and Amendments to Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine date 21 May 2012 # 451” and the Project Members’ reports on the state of its implementation.


O. I. Platonov told about the adopted amendments to Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 21.05.2012 # 451 and remarked that the important task today is preparation by SE ASPU of the draft agreement of the information cooperation between all ministries and other central executive bodies that are the users of PCIS and their joining in the process.

He attracted attention of the Meeting sitters to both the achievements of Ukraine in the work on trade facilitation and the problem questions arising in the course of such work and thanked the Members of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups for cooperation in the Project implementation.

V. I. Voronoi provided the information about the work performed in order to ensure the operation of the Checkpoint “Odessa Commercial Sea Port” in the framework of the Pilot Project technology “Single Window – Local Solution” implementation and noted that the most important stage of the Project implementation was adopting the amendments to Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated  21.05.2012 #, in which the notion of “Port Community Information System” and the principles of its functioning were determined and the requirement to make agreements of information cooperation between SE “Administration of Sea Ports of Ukraine” (hereinafter referred to as “SE ASPU) and PCIS users was provided for.

O. I. Platonov informed those present that the final version of Agreement on Information Cooperation is agreed with the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine and will be located on the “Single Window” site ( for discussion and proposals of the Members of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups.

The sitters of the Meeting were again encouraged to submit to the Secretariat of the Interagency Working Group any materials or applications filed with ministries or other executive bodies in connection with the Project implementation matters for their further consideration, location on the “Single Window” Project site and informing the public in order to abide with the principles of transparency and publicity.

Concerning filing reports on the Project implementation the Reporter noted that the reports submitted to the Secretariat greatly differ in their content and forms, and suggested that the Secretariat should make up a pro forma master-plan including the order of its filling and the terms of the reports filing.

Yu. I. Sokolov, First Deputy Chief of Pivdenna Customs House, the Ministry of Revenues, observed that the introduction of PCIS is one of the steps towards the “Electronic Customs” Project improvement and extending it to all transportation processes and moved that for the purpose of the “Single Window – Local Solution” Project fastest adjustment in accordance with the requirements of the standing legislation of Ukraine (in accordance with the provisions of the Resolution of the CMU dated 03.07.2013 #  553) all control bodies before 15 October in the current year and after elaboration of the draft agreement of information cooperation publicised by SE ASPU make every arrangement for its fastest subscription.




3.         Note the information. Recommend SE ASPU to hand over before 04.10.2013 to the Secretariat of the Interagency Working Group draft agreements of information cooperation for their placement on the “Single Window site (

3.1.      The Members of the Interagency Working Group shall, before 07.10.2013, should thrash out the draft agreements and submit their remarks, if any, to the Secretariat and SE ASPU.

3.2.      Before 07.10.2013 SE ASPU shall subscribe the Agreement of Information Cooperation with all state control bodies, the PCIS users.

3.3.      Before 21.10.2013 the Secretariat shall prepare and send to the Members of the Interagency Working Group the pro forma master-plan including the order of its filling and the terms of the reports filing.

3.4.      SE ASPU shall prepare the draft amendments to the Interim Procedure of PCIS Usage when issuing the orders in the electronic form required for the carriage of containers including empty containers by railway transport from the Odessa Region sea ports and send them to the Pivdenna Customs House, Ministry of Revenues, and Odessa Border Unit for coordination.


Concerning the fourth item of the Agenda:




O. I. Platonov presented the information on applications for including new members in the Interagency Working and Expert Groups received by the Secretariat and concerning the next Meeting.







4. Discuss the applications for including new members in the Interagency Working and Expert Groups at the next Meeting.

            4.1. The Secretariat shall carry out work with the central executive bodies and public associations that are participants of the Project as regards updating the member lists of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups.

            4.2. Convene the next Meeting of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups after generalisation of the Members’ proposals according to the resolutions of this Meeting.




Chairman:                                                                                                          V. I. Schelkunov