Single  Window is defined as a facility that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information and documents with a single entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements


MINUTES № 14 RG of the Interagency Working Group Meeting on Implementation of the "Single Window - Local Solution” Technology in the Area of Southern Customs and Ports of the Odessa Region


Of Meeting of the Interagency Working Group for Implementation of the “Single Window – Local Solution” Technology in the Operations Area of Pivdenna Customs House and Odessa Region Ports



19 June 2012


Place: 11-г, Degtiarivska St.

The Meeting was called to order at 14:00

The Meeting was adjourned at 16:30  

Composition of sitters: see Annex # 1




1. Information on the result of the Field Meeting of the Interagency Working Group for Implementation of the “Single Window – Local Solution” Technology in the Operations Area of Pivdenna Customs House and Odessa Region Ports held on 29-30 May 2012 in Odessa.

Time: 10 minutes

Reporter: O. I. Platonov, Deputy Head

Of the Working Group, President of



2. Discussion and formation of the agreed position concerning the changes and amendments prepared by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine to the Standard Process Scheme of the State Border Passing by Persons, Road, Water, Railway and Air Transportation Vehicles, Carriers and  Goods Transported by them approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine # 451 dated 21.05.2012.

Time: 10 minutes

  •  V. I. Voronoi, Member of

the Working Group, Chief of Service

for Logistics and Commercial Work,


3. Information on participation in the Second Regional Conference on Trade Facilitation, “Single Window” and data harmonization in the South Caucasus Region and prospects of electronic communication between the Members of the Interagency Working Group.

Time: 10 minutes

  • O. I. Platonov, Deputy Head

Of the Working Group, President of



4. On the date and place of the next Meeting of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups.

Time: 10 minutes

         5. Miscellaneous.


The Meeting was called to order by Oleg Isaakovych Platonov.

O. I. Platonov announced the Agenda which was adopted unanimously.

Concerning the first item of Agenda:

1. Information on the result of the Field Meeting of the Interagency Working Group for Implementation of the “Single Window – Local Solution” Technology in the Operations Area of Pivdenna Customs House and Odessa Region Ports held on 29-30 May 2012 in Odessa.

Mr O. I. Platonov informed that in the framework of the Transport Week that took place from 28 May until 1 June 2012 in Odessa 29-30 May2012, held was the Field Meeting of the Interagency Working Group for Implementation of the “Single Window – Local Solution” in the Operations Area of the Pivdenna Customs House and Odessa Region Ports. On the initiative of the Odessa Commercial Sea Port (hereinafter referred to as OCSP) management during the said Field Meeting the Members of the Interagency Working Group got acquainted with the performance of the work at implementing the “Single Window” by OCSP concerning the foreign-going ships clearance by the “free pratique” principle.

Mr Yu. F. Kuchynskyi in addition to the Reporter’s information told that on 12-15 June 2012 in Geneva (Switzerland) the 131st Session of the EEC UN Working Group on customs matters relating to transport (EEC UN Committee for Internal Transport) was held. The Session included a round-table conference on the role of optimal practices at the border checkpoints in the implementation of the International Convention on Agreeing the Conditions of the Cargoes Border Control. Ukraine was represented at the Session by Oleksii Panasiuk, Executive Director ICC Ukraine Regional Representation Office in the Odessa Region, who made the Report “Single Window – Local Solution – Peculiarities of Implementation in Ukraine”. The presentation reflected the key prerequisites that caused the Ukrainian solution on the Single Window arrangement and showed the steps aimed at such solution implementation. The materials presented in the Report were highly esteemed by the Session sitters. The results of the Report caused a number of questions concerning a possibility of making foreign investments in the "Single Window” principle implementation in Ukraine.



1. Note the materials presented in O. I. Platonov’s Report and Yu. F. Kuchynskyi’s information as to the results of the Field Meeting held by the Interagency Working Group for Implementation of the “Single Window – Local Solution” Technology in the Operations Area of Pivdenna Customs House and Odessa Region Ports on 29-30 May 2012 in Odessa.


Concerning the second item of the Agenda:

2. Discussion and formation of the agreed position concerning the changes and amendments prepared by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine to the Standard Process Scheme of the State Border Passing by Persons, Road, Water, Railway and Air Transportation Vehicles, Carriers and  Goods Transported by them approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine # 451 dated 21.05.2012.


Mr V. I. Voronoi reported that on 21 May 2012 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted the Resolution # 451 “Questions of Passing through the State Border of Persons, Road, Water, Railway and Air Transportation Vehicles, Carriers and  Goods Transported by them”, which approved the Standard Process Scheme of the State Border Passing by Persons, Road, Water, Railway and Air Transportation Vehicles, Carriers and  Goods Transported by them and Standard Process Schemes of customs control of the road, water, railway and air transportation vehicles, carriers and  goods transported at the state border checkpoints.

For the purpose of application of the said Resolution standards to the operation of sea ports of Ukraine on the “Single Window” principle the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine prepared corresponding draft changes and amendments to the said Resolution that were previously sent to all Members of the Interagency Working Group for consideration and discussion.

The following Members took part in the discussion of the Resolution: V. I. Voronoi (OCSP) (Annex # 2 – proposals from OCSP), M. I. Golubiatnykov (the Ministry of Health of Ukraine) (Annex # 3 – proposals from the  Ministry of Health of Ukraine), S. B. Kotov (Administration of the State Border Service of Ukraine) (Annex # 4 – from ASBSU), S. S. Tereschenko (Association UKRZOVNISHTRANS), I, M, Tverdokhlib (The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine), V. I. Schelkunov (UNK MTP), Yu. F. Kuchynskyi (AsMAP), O. I. Platonov (Association UKRZOVNISHTRANS), S. A. Bedash (the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine), V. M. Kalian (SE USCTS “LISKY”) (Annex # 5 – proposals from SE USCTS “LISKY”) and P. V. Pashko (SCSU).

According to the results of discussion on the CMU Resolution # 451 dated 21.05.2012 “On the Matters of Passing through the State Border by Persons, Road, Water, Railway and Air Transportation Vehicles, Carriers and  Goods Transported by them” it was


1. Hold a coordinating meeting with all the interested ministries and authorities at 14:00 on 20 June 2012.

2. UNK MTP shall prepare the formal invitations for the interested ministries and authorities concerning their participation in the above mentioned meeting.

3. The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine shall prepare the coordinated draft amendments to CMU Resolution # 451 dated 21.05.2012 and send them to the corresponding ministries and authorities in according with the regulations.

4. Inform the Members of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups of the coordinated project amendments to CMU Resolution # 451 dated 21.05.2012.

Concerning the third item of Agenda:

3. Information on participation in the Second Regional Conference on Trade Facilitation, “Single Window” and data harmonization in the South Caucasus Region and prospects of electronic communication between the Members of the Interagency Working Group.

It was reported to the Meeting by O. I. Platonov concerning the participation of the Ukraine representatives in the Second Regional Conference on Trade Facilitation, “Single Window” and Data Harmonization in the South Caucasus Region that took place in Tbilisi on 13-14 June 2012.

At the said Conference the representatives of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine and Turkey exchanged the information on the steps taken for implementation of trade procedures facilitation and “Single Window” Projects. The representatives of international organisations (EEC UN, USAID, EC, and UNCTAD-ASYCUDA) presented the information on the trade encouragement newest mechanisms and “Single Window” implementation.

The conferees were asked to consider a number of issues including the following:

- entrust the UN agencies with making up a list of the “Single Window” projects leaders addresses;

- establish a web-site informing of all current standards and recommendations that may be used by the countries when implementing the “Single Window” system;

- consider the possibility of developing national and regional action plans and projects for joint realisation of the interested countries, international and financing organisations;

- coordinate the national “Single Window” projects implementation with the realisation of international standards for the purpose of transferring all information collected within their frameworks on the international level through the borders;

- harmonise the requirements to the data on the national, interagency, regional and international levels applying the international standards, codes, etc.

In particular, concerning the process of the “Single Window” introduction in Ukraine, the conferees expressed their interest in the electronic data exchange for the purpose of trade procedures facilitation and moving the goods between the commercial ports of Batumi, Poti and Odessa, which will ensure the goods movement from the Middle Asia countries via the countries of the Caucasus and Ukraine to North and West Europe.


1. Note O. I. Platonov’s information concerning the results of Ukraine representatives' participation in the Second Regional Conference on Trade Facilitation, “Single Window” and Data Harmonization in the South Caucasus Region and establish a web-portal for communication with the Project participants and other projects of the world.

2. Hold a meeting with the representatives of the interested parties for the purpose of discussing the issues of the electronic data exchange between the ports of Georgia and Ukraine in marine communication.

Concerning the fourth item of the Agenda:

4. On the date and place of the next Meeting of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups.

It was suggested that the next Meeting should be held in September 2012.

Concerning the fifth item of the Agenda:

5. Miscellaneous

The Meeting sitters made their proposals as regards the further work of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups and consideration of their compositions structural changes.


  1. Consider as expedient under the present conditions, when the main traits of the political decision are already known, to more accurately delimit the lines of the Working and Expert Groups’ work.
  2. Acknowledge the following steps as such that will increase the Working and Expert Groups work’s efficiency:
    1. Revising the composition of the Working and Expert Groups in consideration of the delegated capacity of competence (including the authority to make corresponding decisions) of their Members;
    2. Eliminating of the existing duplication concerning membership in the Working and Expert Groups; and
    3. Strengthening the composition of the Interagency Working Group by proposing to involve in it of representatives of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and Security Service of Ukraine.
  3. Dispatching letters to the corresponding ministries and authorities concerning the requirement of making changes to the composition of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups.
  4. Dispatching a letter to the Prime-Minister of Ukraine concerning expediency of including representatives of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and Security Service of Ukraine in the composition of the Interagency Working Group for Implementation of the “Single Window – Local Solution” Technology in the Operations Area of Pivdenna Customs House and Odessa Region Ports.
  5. The Members of the Interagency Working Group shall make their proposals concerning action plan of implementing the tasks entrusted to the Interagency Working Group.


Chairman                                                               V. I. Schelkunov