Single  Window is defined as a facility that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information and documents with a single entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements


MINUTES №15 RG С of the Interagency Working Group Meeting on Implementation of the "Single Window - Local Solution” Technology in the Area of Southern Customs and Ports of the Odessa Region


Of Meeting of the Interagency Working Group for Introduction of the “Single Window – Local Solution” Technology in Operations Area of Pivdenna Customs House and Ports of Odessa Region


28 August 2014


Place: 11-g, Degtiarivska St.

The Meeting was called to order at 11: 00 

The Meeting was adjourned at 12: 30   

Those present: see Annex # 1

Composition of Members of the Interagency Working and Experts Groups: see Annex # 2


1. Information on the results achieved during implementing the "Single Window - Local Solution" technology project in the operations area of ​​Pivdenna Customs and ports of Odessa region in accordance with the Recommendations of the 4th UNECE International Seminar concerning trade facilitation "Creating an Enabling Environment for Trade Facilitation in Ukraine by Implementing the Single Window Principles”.

Time: 10 minutes

Speaker: V. I. Voronoi,

Coordinator of the Expert Group,

Head of the Strategic Development

Service, SE "AMPU"

2. Discussing the Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Establishment of the Interagency Working Group for Trade and Logistics Facilitation."

Time: 10 minutes.

Speaker: V. I. Schelkunov,

Deputy Head of IWG, Adviser to

the Prime Minister of Ukraine,

President of ICC Ukraine

Co-speaker: O. I. Platonov,

Deputy Head of IWG,

President of

the Association "Ukrzovnishtrans"

3. On the date of the next Meeting of the Interagency Working Group for implementation of the "Single Window - Local Solution" technology.

Time: 5 minutes.

Speaker: V. I. Schelkunov,

Deputy Head of IWG, Adviser to

the Prime Minister of Ukraine,

President of ICC Ukraine


4. Miscellaneous

The Meeting was opened by V. I.  Schelkunov, Deputy Head of the Interagency Working Group for Implementation of the "Single Window – Local Solution" Technology (IWG), Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, President of the Ukrainian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Ukraine), announced the agenda of the Meeting, which was adopted unanimously.

Concerning the first item on the agenda:

Information on the results achieved during implementing the "Single Window - Local Solution" technology project in the operations area of Pivdenna Customs and ports of Odessa region in accordance with the Recommendations of the 4th UNECE International Seminar concerning trade facilitation "Creating an Enabling Environment for Trade Facilitation in Ukraine by Implementing the Single Window Principles”.

V. I. Voronoi provided the Members with information on the work that was carried out in the ports of Odessa region concerning the implementation of the tasks during the period since the previous IWG Meeting:

         The module “reasons for inspections and weighing” was introduced in PCIS;

The module that allows the forwarder to send an inspection request to the port using PCIS was introduced;

The module for the customs officer issuance of Receipts MD-1 without submitting the paper form along with notification of the freight forwarder of such issuance using ISPS was introduced;

The procedure for obtaining approval (visa) from the Pivdenna Customs SBK officials when the freight forwarder is in the process of obtaining the loading permit (visa) from the customs was cancelled in the Illichivck Sea Port;

Since ISPS implementation an average time of a container carrier dwelling in the Illichivck Sea Port has reduced by 10 hours from 15-17 down to 5-7 hours. It is planned to bring this indicator to the level of the Odessa Sea Port – 1.5-2 hours, but it does take a lot to do so as PCIS has been working in OSP for about 2 years and only beginning to operate in ISP;

Under the Order SE "ASPU" dated 06.03.2014 # 31 the operation of the ISPS "free pratique" module continues. Since the implementation of PCIS 21 ships formalities have been completed with the use of this module. The number of terminals that use "free pratique" have been expanded. OPP was joined by "TIS-Dobryva", "TIS-Zerno" and SE "YuCSP"; and

Recently within the framework of ASPU implemented has been the Register of Codes, Seaports and Terminals and at present the Registers of Sea Lines compilation is announced (Annex # 2 - Report of V. I. Voronoi).

V. A. Yatsenko, Deputy Head of the Public Council under the State Aviation Service of Ukraine, informed those present about the situation regarding the international trade and logistics facilitation in aviation.

Provided the information about the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to elaborate the issue of the creation of the Interagency Working Group for Implementation of the IATA E-Freight Technology – the electronic cargo clearance and implementation of the "single window" technology in the air transport in Ukraine.

Also informed of the decision of the Working Group for Implementation of the IATA E-Freight Technology in Air Transport to join the Interagency Working Group for Implementation of the "Single Window - Local Solution" Technology.

O. I. Platonov informed the sitters of the Meeting about some publications and interviews by the representatives of the Movement "’NO!’ to Corruption in Transport" concerning the activities of the Interagency Working Group and the “Single Window - Local Solution" technologies implementation project,  which provided no objective information about the government executive agencies actions and Interagency Working Group. The Reporter stressed the need to appeal to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine in order to verify all the facts mentioned in the said publications and interviews.

The Speaker drew special attention to the need of determining the causes why some participants of the process in the ports failed last year to implement the provisions of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 21.05.2012 # 451 as amended by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 03.07.2013 # 553, namely, the requirement to sign the Agreement of Information Cooperation with SE "Administration of Sea Ports of Ukraine". Such participant is, in particular, the State Administration of Railway Transport of Ukraine "Ukrzaliznytsia" (see the letter of Ukrzaliznytsia dated 28.08.2014 # 8/5). The Reporter proposed to update the information about the state of affairs concerning this matter and inform the Government of Ukraine thereof.

In addition, O. I. Platonov brought to the attention of those present the common view of the participants of the "Single Window - Local Solution" technology introduction project concerning the Standard Process Schemes for the customs control approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 21.05.2012 # 451, which today no longer meet the current trends in the field of transborder trade and the challenges to the agencies and enterprises involved in the goods global supply chains. It is obvious that they need reviewing and bringing into compliance with international standards on the basis of the best practices applied by the most successful port communities around the world. Such work should be done soon by the experts of Mininfrastructure and business community. it is advisable to entrust SE "AMPU” with coordination of the required activities.

O. O. Fiodorov commenting on the results achieved during carrying out the "Single Window - Local Solution" technology implementation project noted that there are some difficulties with the determination of the project success indicators and prospects for its development. For example, to date there have been no published port clearance duration indices as at the beginning of PCIS implementation in the Port of Odessa. To ensure a scientific approach the said issues the Reporter proposed to study the time the goods release takes at ports in accordance with the World Customs Organization methodology the representatives of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, State Enterprise "ASPU" and business and professional associations being involved.


1.1. Take note of the Speaker’s information.

1.2. Apply to the Prime Minister of Ukraine advising of the need for verification and juridical appraisal of validity of information on the activities of the executive power bodies and the Interagency Working Group for Implementation of the "Single Window – Local Solution" Technology contained in media publications and interviews of individual representatives of the movement "’NO!’ to Corruption in Transport."

Deadline: 15.09.2014

Responsible body: Secretariat of IWG

1.3. SE "Administration of Sea Ports of Ukraine" should prepare an updated list of organizations that are responsible for compliance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 21.05.2012 # 451 as amended by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 03.07.2013 # 553 regarding signing the agreements on information cooperation, but within a year had failed to take appropriate measures, and provide it to the Secretariat of the IWG.

Deadline: 10.09.2014

Responsible body: SE "ASPU"

1.4. Prepare for Prime Minister of Ukraine the information on implementing the requirements of the Resolution  of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 21.05.2012 # 451 as amended by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 03.07.2013 # 553.

Deadline: 15.09.2014

Responsible body: Secretariat of IWG

1.5. Prepare draft amendments to the Standard Process Schemes for customs control approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 21.05.2012 № 451 in order to bring them to correspondence with international standards, and implementation of the best practices, applied by the most successful port communities around the world.

Deadline: before 01.12.2014

Responsible authority: SE "AMPU" Ministry of Infrastructure and Secretariat of IWG.

1.6. Support the decision of the Working Group for Implementation of the IATA E-Freight Technology in Air Transport organized with the assistance of the Public Council under the State Aviation Service of Ukraine, join it to the Interagency Working Group for Implementation of the "Single Window – Local Solution" Technology as a separate project and take into account when preparing Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Establishment of the Interagency Working Group for Trade and Logistics Facilitation".

Deadline: 01.12.2014

Responsible body: Secretariat of IWG

1.7. Study the time goods release according to the World Customs Organization methodology the representatives of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, State Enterprise "AMPU", business and professional associations and community councils being involved.

Deadline: December 2014

Responsible authorities: Secretariat of IWG, State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, State Enterprise "AMPU",  LLC "PPL 33-35" and Council of Entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Concerning the second item on the agenda:

Discussing the Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Establishment of the Interagency Working Group for Trade and Logistics Facilitation."

V. I. Schelkunov informed the Meeting participants that, in connection with the obligations of Ukraine undertaken during the signing of the WTO Agreement of Trade Facilitation in December 2013, the activities of the Interagency Working Group require reformatting and transformation to achieve new objectives including, in particular, the development and implementation of the National Strategy for International Trade and Logistics Facilitation. To this end, the initiative group developed a Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Establishment of the Interagency Working Group for Trade and Logistics Facilitation " (Annex # 3), which was presented to the participants of the IWG for consideration. The Speaker also reported on the received comments as to the Draft Resolution and spoke about the candidates to IWG that have been already offered, and those with whom consultations still continue.

O. I. Platonov suggested that the IWG Members should read the Draft Resolution once again in view of the comments received from the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and send their proposals as to the document the Secretariat to of IWG. He informed that in accordance with Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Draft Resolution will be prepared and submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.

Informed about the training "UNECE Recommendations on Trade Procedures Facilitation Measures" organised and conducted by UNECE on 27 August 2014 under the auspices of the Interagency Working Group with the support of the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Infrastructure, Institute for Economic Research and Political Consulting, Swedish Government and ICC Ukraine pursuant to implementation of the UNECE Fourth International Seminar on Trade Facilitation Recommendations. The training was attended by the representatives of governmental and non-governmental organisations that will be taking the measures towards trade facilitation.

M. Apostolov, UNECE Regional Advisor, thanked for the support for organising the training and informed that at the time of the training practical advice on using the UNECE website "Trade Facilitation Implementation Guide” (TFIG) as an information portal were given.

Informed that the training covered several topics included in the above Guide. The participants were familiarised with its contents and recommendations, in particular with regard to the implementation of the recent WTO agreement concerning trade facilitation and development of a strategic approach to trade facilitation for economic development. It was also shown how to use the Guide in the development of mechanisms for state-private cooperation on trade facilitation; reducing delays at border crossing; rationalisation, simplification and automation of the customs clearance, transit, export and import and for the creation of the "single window" system. All this is very important for Ukraine in terms of trade and economy development, including this country in the global supply chains and performing the commitments undertaken upon accession to WTO.

Informed that at the request of the trainees UNECE will consider the possibility of providing technical assistance to Ukraine on assessing the level of the measures taken towards the implementation of the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation and appropriate notification by WTO of one of the following criteria: the country has carried out the given event (A); the country is not ready yet, but it can independently cope with the task in the long run (B); and the country is not ready and it needs external assistance to implement the specific measure (C).

The participants appreciated the perspective of the usage of the said Guide and knowledge acquired during the training in their future work on the implementation of the measures under the WTO Agreement. The private sector participation in the training contributed to the success of the latter as trade facilitation is essentially a partnership between the business community and government agencies.

M. Apostolov suggested to continue working on the development of the Interagency Working Group as a national authority for trade facilitation; together with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and UNECE to continue developing the strategic approach to trade facilitation for the purpose of developing the trade and entire economy Ukraine; and include this country in the global supply chains. The national strategy (program, roadmap) should be completed and approved and its execution should be commenced, and it will show the current indicators ​​of imports, exports and transit, and the level of the trade facilitation specific tools and measures implementation, and outline their improvement concrete goals for the coming years. This strategy (program. roadmap) can be the basis for the preparation of specific projects and negotiations with donors.

O. I. Platonov informed that in December when a report on the determined level of Ukraine in terms of the implemented trade and logistics facilitation measures will be prepared, it will be appropriate to conduct training at the highest level for the representatives of the governmental bodies of Ukraine for the purpose of familiarization with the said report and UNECE Recommendations on implementing the measures for trade and logistics facilitation, and the Interagency Working Group will work on the basis of the relevant Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine under approved Regulations. Besides, it should be borne in mind that it is the updated IWG that will work to create a national body for trade facilitation in accordance with the UNECE Recommendations.


2.1. Take note of the Speaker’s information.

2.2. Look into the Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Establishment of the Interagency Working Group for Trade and Logistics Facilitation" prepared by the initiative group and send proposals to the Secretariat of IWG.

Deadline: 15.09.2014

Responsible persons: IWG Members

2.3. Suggest that the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade should present the project in question to CMU for consideration in accordance with Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine under the authority of the Ministry.

Deadline: 15.09.2014

Responsible authorities: Secretariat of IWG and Ministry of Economy.

2.4. Continue working on transforming the Interagency Working Group for Implementation of the "Single Window – Local Solution" Technology into the national authority for trade and logistics facilitation in accordance with the Recommendations of UNECE.

Deadline: 20.12.2014

Responsible Persons: IWG Secretariat and Members.

2.5. Recommend the IWG Members to study the questionnaire "Measures for Trade Facilitation" located on the website of the "Single Window – Local Solution” Project (

Deadline: 01.10.2014

Responsible persons: IWG Members

2.6. Apply to UNECE with proposal to consider the possibility of providing technical assistance to Ukraine to assess the level of Ukraine implementation of the measures towards execution of the WTO Agreement of Trade Facilitation judged by the following criteria:

(A) the country has carried out the given event; 

(B) the country is not ready yet, but it can independently cope with the task in the long run; and

(C) the country is not ready and it needs external assistance to implement the specific measure.

Deadline: 15.09.2014

Responsible authority: Ministry of Economic Development and Secretariat of IWG.

2.7. Prepare and conduct with participation of UNECE a high-level meeting for the heads of ministries and other central executive bodies to discuss the Report on Assessing the Level of Implementing by Ukraine the measures towards execution of the WTO Agreement of Trade Facilitation.

Deadline: December 2014

Responsible body: Secretariat of IWG.

Concerning the third item of the agenda

On the date of the next Meeting of the Interagency Working Group for Implementation of the "Single Window – Local Solution" Technology.

O. I. Platonov proposed to hold the next meeting of the Interagency Working Group in the second decade of December 2014.


3. Hold the next meeting of IWG in the second decade of December 2014.

Deadline: the second decade of December 2014

Responsible body: Secretariat of IWG.


Chairman                                                  V. I. Schelkunov