Single  Window is defined as a facility that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information and documents with a single entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements


MINUTES of the Meeting of the Integracy Working Group on Implementation of the "Single Window - Local Solution@ Technology" in the Area of Southern Customs and Ports of Odessa region under Participation of the Control Bodies and Administration of the Odessa sea port


                                                                                              V. I. Voronoi,

Chief of Strategic Development Service,

                   SE “ASPU”





SE “ASPU”                                                                                                                      01.12.2014



With Participation of Members of the Interagency Working Group for Implementation of the “Single Window – Local Solution” Technology in the Operations Area of Pivdenna Customs and Port of Odessa Region (hereinafter referred to as “IWG”), Control Services and Administration of the Odessa Sea Port




O. I. Platonov, Deputy Head of IWG, President of UKRZOVNISHTRANS Association;

V. I. Voronoi, Member of IWG, Chief of the Strategic Development Service, SE “ASPU”; 

O. O. Fedorov, Member of IWG, Director General of LLC “PPL 33-35”;

O. V. Orlov, Member of IWG, Deputy Director General of LLC “PPL 33-35”;

V. V. Kyrylov, Chief of the Customs Clearance Organisation Section, Odessa Customs, the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (hereinafter - SFSU);

V. V. Poliovyi, First Deputy Chief of the Odessa Border Detachment;

V. A. Nepyivoda, Senior Officer, the Section of Border Control, Headquarters of the Odessa Border Detachment;

M. I. Gylchuk, Deputy Chief of the Odessa Regional Service, Department of Veterinary and Sanitary Control and Supervision on the State Border and Transport;

I. V. Arantsyshko, Leading Specialist, Department of Ecological and Radiological Control at the State Border Checkpoints, the State Ecological Inspection for Protection of Environment of the Black Sea North-West Region;

D. O. Yakymenkov, Chief of Information Technologies Service, SE “ASPU”;

Yu. V. Tavolzhanskyi, Chief of the Department for International Relations, Logistics and Eurointegration, the Strategic Development Service, SE “ASPU”;

A. B. Struk, Leading Engineer of the Department for International Relations, Logistics and Eurointegration, the Strategic Development Service, SE “ASPU”;

V. V. Protsenko, Chief of the Logistics and Road Transport Processing Service (hereinafter –L&RTPS), Administration of the Odessa Sea Port;

V. P. Lavreniuk, Deputy Chief of L&RTPS, Administration of the Odessa Sea Port;

O. A. Gorbyk, Chief of Information Recording and Processing, L&RTPS), Administration of the Odessa Sea Port; and

D. F. Gapeyev, Chief of Department of Traffic Control and Administrative Work, L&RTPS), Administration of the Odessa Sea Port.




  1. Discussing organizational issues pursuant to Item 1.7 of IWG Meeting Minutes dated 28.08.2014 # 15 РГ (as attached) concerning the study of goods release time in accordance with the methodology of the World Customs Organisation at the Sea Port of Odessa.


The Reporters of the Meeting:


O. O. Fedorov, A. B. Struk, O. V. Orlov, V. V. Kyrylov -


Pursuant to Item 1.7 of IWG Meeting Minutes dated 28.08.2014 # 15 РГ it was proposed to establish a working group for practical implementation of a study of the time required to release the goods in accordance with the methodology of the World Customs Organisation at the Sea Port of Odessa.




  1.                Control services and Administration of the Odessa Sea Port should nominate a responsible official for joining the working group for practical implementation of a study of the time required to release the goods in accordance with the methodology of the World Customs Organisation at the Sea Port of Odessa (hereinafter referred to as the “Working Group”).

                                                                                            Deadline: 03.12.2014


  1.                The Odessa Customs, SFSU should organize the said Working Group

                     Deadline: 04.12.2014


  1.           The Working Group should study the methodology of the World Customs Organisation regarding the implementation of the goods release time study.

                     Deadline: 05.12.2014


  1.            SE “ASPU” should send the Minutes of this Conference to IWG Secretariat.

                     Deadline: 03.12.2014


  1.             The Odessa Customs, SFSU should inform all the Working Group members on the next meeting date.


                       Deadline: 05.12.2014


   The Minutes were kept by D. B. Buzynovsky