Single  Window is defined as a facility that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information and documents with a single entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements


MINUTES № 17 WG of the Interagency Working Group Meeting on International Trade and Logistics Facilitation in Ukraine


Of Meeting of the Interagency Working Group for International Trade and Logistics Facilitation in Ukraine


26 February 2015


Place: 11-g, Degtiarivska St.

The Meeting was called to order at 15: 00 

The Meeting was adjourned at 17: 00   

Those present: see Annex # 1




  1. Information on implementation of the "Single Window - Local Solution" technology project in the operations area of Pivdenna Customs and ports of Odessa region.


Time: 10 minutes

Speaker: V. I. Voronoi,

Coordinator of the Expert Group,

Head of the Strategic Development

Service, SE "USPA"


  1. On the reorganization to the Interagency Working Group for International Trade and Logistics Facilitation in Ukraine and the action plan for 2015.

Time: 10 minutes

Speaker: M. Apostolov,

Regional Adviser, UNECE


  1. Preparation to the UNECE Fifth international workshop "Facilitation of international trade and logistics in Ukraine. From local solutions to national strategy”.

Time: 05 minutes

Speaker: O. I. Platonov,

Deputy Head of IWG,

President of

the Association "Ukrzovnishtrans"


  1. Miscellaneous


The meeting was opened by Shchelkunov V., Deputy Chairman of the Interagency working group on facilitation of international trade and logistics in Ukraine (IWG), Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, President of Ukrainian national Committee of International chamber of Commerce (ICC Ukraine), which announced the agenda that was adopted unanimously.

Proposed to move to the discussion of the agenda.

Concerning the first item on the agenda:

Information on implementation of the "Single Window - Local Solution" technology project in the operations area of Pivdenna Customs and ports of Odessa region.

As to the implementation of the pilot project Voronoi V. informed about the following:

  • In the port of  Ilyichevsk the module "free practice" was introduced, as well as pre-clearance prior to entry of the vehicle to the port. The agreement on information cooperation with Ilyichevsk sea fishing port is concluded, the first vessel is expected in Ilyichevsk sea fishing port, where the containers will be processed with the use the electronic order;
  • In the sea port "Yuzhnyi" continues the trial operation of the module "free practice", the work on connecting PCS "TIS" company terminals and in first place at the container terminal is in process;
  • In the port of Odessa it has been ensured information providing to PCS on the results of actual unloading and weighing of sea containers on the weight complexes at marine terminals GPK "Ukraine" and "Brooklyn Kiev". In the port of Odessa is already completely realized the chain of clearance of import containers arriving on ships and departing on road and rail transport: preliminary information, the permit for unloading of the vessel, the actual discharge from the ship to the warehouse, electronic order for the release of a container from the port, the customs permit for container loading, permission to leave the territory of the checkpoint;
  • To perform the decisions of the previous meeting of the IWG a working group with representatives from the sea ports of Odessa, customs, data Center is organized, which task is to monitor the time of clearance of containers at seaport for preparation of the goods time release study according to the methodology of the World customs organization. The study period: January 2014 - January 2015. The analysis is divided into two stages - the time of registration of the vessel and the time of clearance. Report on the results of the study is planned to be provided at the next meeting of the IWG;
  • SE "USPA" also took the initiative to consider a number of relevant for the port logistics issues. The IWG participants were given legislative initiatives that have been developed.

Focused on the problematic issues that have been arisen in the implementation process of the PCS in the seaports, and suggested solutions. (Annex 2 - report of the Voronoi V).

Asked the representative of the State veterinary and phytosanitary service about the requirements regarding the original veterinary certificate for the unloading of containers from the vessel in the customs control zone. Recalled the request of the Prime Minister of  Ukraine to the State fiscal service, the Ministry of agrarian policy and food and the Ministry of infrastructure to work out a common position on this issue.

Deputy Head of the State veterinary and phytosanitary service Bashinskii V. suggested that this issue can be resolved through early provision of veterinary certificate in electronic form, that would give the opportunity to see the certificate and check its authenticity before receipt of the goods at the port and, thus, to ensure the unloading of cargo without the original certificates.

Voronoi V.  confirmed the possibility of providing the electronic version of the certificate, which will be certified by the electronic digital signature of the responsible person.

Gave the word to Yakimenkov D., head of the information technology service of SE "USPA".

Yakimenkov D. drew attention to the need to ensure stable operation of the accredited key certification centre of the Information and Reference Department of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.

Noted that the operation of such projects, constructed in accordance with the requirements for electronic document management systems, to a large extent depends on the stability of the open key infrastructure services. In the project "Single window - local solution" the State Fiscal Service took an active part, enabling the delivery of certificates of EDS not only to all state agencies, but also to all participants in the process of moving cargo through the ports of Ukraine. Today the accredited key certification centre of the Information and Reference Department of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine maintains certificates of keys more than its rated power. To ensure the smooth operation of accredited key certification centre the State Fiscal Service (SFS) of Ukraine planned a number of events on the organization of standby data centre and increasing the load capacity of Accreditation Centre for Key Certification (ACKC) in general.

Proposed to SFS of  Ukraine to take measures for implementing the necessary technical measures to ensure the smooth operation of ACKC and its financing to ensure required projects security level development of the electronic document.

Also informed that in the framework of the activities on the harmonization of regulatory and reference information in accordance with UNECE recommendation No. 34, the data elements used in the documents of the project "Single window - local solution", are being put in line with international and/or national standards. In the absence of such standards, the work on creation of the necessary registers and classifiers. In particular, established a register of seaports of Ukraine, creates a classifier port terminal operators, shipping lines. At the same time, there is the problem of ensuring access of participants to the already functioning in Ukraine registries, in particular, the Agency carried out the State registration service of Ukraine. The current practice of providing access to the registry by interactive operations on the site greatly complicates the work of the electronic document management systems, and the introduction of transaction fees for online access limit the use of such services to a specific category of participants. This, in turn, leads to lower quality of information in electronic documents and inhibits the development of the project as a whole.

Proposed to recommend to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine to consider the issue of providing an unobstructed free online access of the SE "Administration of sea ports of Ukraine" (SE “USPA”) , which is engaged in a project of creation of the "single window", to information of public registers.

Syomka S. confirmed interest of SFS of Ukraine in electronic customs clearance coverage not only of container, but also of general and all other goods, transported by all kind of transport.

He expressed hope that the working group will support this line of work with involvement of all other ports of Ukraine, and the will for the system to become typical for Ukrainian ports regardless of goods they work with. Informed that unfortunately in the last period, a decrease in the volume of freight containers is observed and expressed hope that the situation will change for the better.

Alishauskas V. informed those present about the situation and the next tasks in the implementation of the New computerized transit system (NCTS). Noted that by the paragraph 113 of the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 17 September 2014 No. 847-R "On implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European atomic energy Community and their member States, on the other hand" the Ministry of Finance, SFS, Ministry of justice and the Ministry of Infrastructure are assigned responsible for the development and submission for consideration of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft laws on the ratification of the Convention on simplification of formalities in trade in goods of 20 may 1987 and the Convention relating to a uniform regime of transit dated 20,May, 1987 by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and bringing national legislation into compliance with their provisions.

Stressed that it is essential for efficient operation, so that during the formation of the working group on the implementation of the project those professionals who have already worked on this project, enter this group and that the composition of this group do not change. (Annex 3 - presentation).



1.1. Take note of the Speaker’s information.


1.2. The State ecological inspection of Ukraine has to ensure the issue of the ecological Declaration for goods in the sea border crossing points only in the cases provided for by resolution of CMU dated 05.10.2011 №1031.


Deadline: 20.03.2015

Responsible body: The Ministry of ecology and natural resources (State environmental Inspectorate).


1.3. The State ecological inspection of Ukraine has to consider developed by SE "USPA" draft order of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine "On amendments to the order of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine dated 19.03.2012, No. 162", to agree with the SE "USPA" a final edit and submit for approval in accordance with applicable regulations.


Deadline: 01.04.2015

Responsible body: The Ministry of ecology and natural resources (State ecological inspection), SE “USPA”


1.4. The State ecological inspection of Ukraine to consider developed by SE "USPA" the draft order of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine "On amendments to the order of Ministry of environmental protection and nuclear safety of Ukraine of September 09, 1999 №204", to agree with the SE "USPA" a final edit and submit for approval in accordance with applicable regulations.


Deadline: 01.04.2015

Responsible body: The Ministry of ecology and natural resources (State ecological inspection), SE “USPA”


1.5. The State ecological inspection of Ukraine to consider developed by SE "USPA" the draft order of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine "On amendments to the order of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine dated May 15, 2000 No. 27", agree with the SE "USPA" a final edit and submit for approval in accordance with applicable regulations.

Deadline: 01.04.2015

Responsible body: The Ministry of ecology and natural resources (State ecological inspection), SE “USPA”


1.6. The State fiscal service of Ukraine to develop and send to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (with the approval of SE "USPA") draft on amendments to the Procedure for completion of customs formalities in the transit movement, approved by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine order dated 09.10.2012 No. 1066 (for clearance of export goods) and also the Model of technological schemes approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine order dated 21.05.2012 No. 451 (on registration of arrival/departure of vessels, floating between several Ukrainian ports).

Deadline: 20.03.2015

Responsible body: The State fiscal service of Ukraine, SE “USPA”

1.7. The SFS Odessa customs to provide SE "USPA" of:

• information about the format and structure of the file under which use marine agent provides today to the local program-information complex (PIC) "Electronic containers logbook" of the Odessa customs an information on goods in containers, which arrived in port on the ship (from removable electronic media (flash memory) - for direct exchange of information between PCS and PIC "Electronic containers logbook".

• structured electronic references of: customs offices of destination and of origin, types of customs documents.

Deadline: 20.03.2015

Responsible body: The State fiscal service of Ukraine

1.8. The State Fiscal Service of Ukraine to ensure Technical requirements for organization of the connection of the SFS informational net to the SE “USPA” net in the premises of the customs office “Odessa-port” of the STS Odessa customs.

Deadline: 20.03.2015

Responsible body: The State fiscal service of Ukraine

1.9. The State Fiscal Service of Ukraine to develop and agree with SE "USPA" technical requirements for the scope and procedure of providing information for hosting software on the limit server.

Deadline: 20.03.2015

Responsible body: The State fiscal service of Ukraine, SE “USPA”

1.10. SE “USPA” to provide the possibility of pre-allocation to the State veterinary and phytosanitary service with the help of the module “free practice” and PCS of the copies of the veterinary certificates, certified by the electronic digital signature. To inform the State veterinary and phytosanitary service on the implementation.

Deadline: 20.03.2015

Responsible body: The State fiscal service of Ukraine, Data processing centre PPL 33-35 LLC

1.11. The State veterinary and phytosanitary service to inform the relevant departments about the necessity of allocation of the permission for unloading of goods from a vessel in the customs control zone on the basis of copies of the veterinary certificates, certified by the electronic digital signature, and provided with the use of PCS.

Deadline: 10 days after receiving notice from SE "USPA" on the implementation of the necessary technical measures

Responsible body: The Ministry of agrarian policy and food (State veterinary and phytosanitary service)

1.12. To provide (including through the funding of necessary measures) smooth operation of the ACCK.

Deadline: continually           

Responsible body: The State fiscal service of Ukraine

1.13. To provide free online access of the SE "Administration of sea ports of Ukraine" to the information of the state registries.

Deadline: continually           

Responsible body: The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine


Concerning the second item on the agenda:

On the reorganization of the Interagency working group on facilitation of international trade and logistics in Ukraine and plan of action for 2015.

Apostolov M. supported the statements of Alisauskas V. on the importance of the project to be carried out by experts who have experience of such work, and that they have not been changed during operation of the project.

Suggested to look at the project "Single window - local solution" in Odessa as a pilot project, to determine what has been done and what needs to be done to transform the Interagency working group to the national body on trade facilitation.

Reported that work has already begun with an expert on the study of readiness of Ukraine to implement all obligations under the WTO Agreement on trade facilitation. Invited representatives of ministries and agencies (on the list) to cooperate with the expert to conduct interviews to determine the readiness of Ukraine to implement measures for trade facilitation.

Announced that the process of countries’ notification for the readiness to implement which measures on trade facilitation, and this study will help the Government of Ukraine to decide which notification to provide to the WTO.

Noted the need to provide the results of the study for discussion by representatives of all involved ministries and agencies. Proposed to hold this meeting in late April of this year. Expressed confidence that this work will serve the process of preparing the national strategy for the facilitation of international trade procedures and logistics.

Recalled that the WTO Agreement has a provision requiring the establishment of the national body on trade facilitation (in case of absence) in the WTO member country or the support and development of an existing body, to coordinate and implement the provisions of the WTO Agreement on trade facilitation (once in force).

Pointed out the necessity of combining the strategy of trade facilitation with the overall development strategy of the country.

(Annex 4 - presentation)

Reported that now in the UN / CEFACT developed a General recommendation on cooperation of public and private sector, to build trust, transparency and so on.

Oleg Platonov informed that the recent events on the audit of the SFSU activity demonstrates the concern of the Government on inaction of some government institutions and public servants. And this points to the need for a more active and responsible work of ministries and agencies, in particular, for carrying out the orders of the Prime Minister of Ukraine on development and submission to the Cabinet of Ministers of the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On establishment of the Interagency working group on facilitation of international trade and logistics in Ukraine", for the execution of which the Ministry of economy, the SFSU and the Ministry of justice are responsible.

Reported that the role of the IWG is the transition from the pilot project "Single window - local solution" to the national strategy for the facilitation of international trade and logistics in Ukraine.

Noted that there is a project under discussion for the past year, namely the project of implementation of e-freight at the airport "Borispol", which already has a few orders of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, but not a single step has been taken to implement it.

Noted that the success of the project in Odessa lies in implementing the principle of self-repayment and support of the private investor.

It is a working tool, which allows to approach the implementation of provisions of Customs code of Ukraine which requires implementation of procedures for exchange of data between agencies from 01 January 2017. And if SFS has developed formats and forms of documents, enabling electronic data exchange, other ministries and agencies are not prepared to electronic documents in the context of article 319 of the Customs code of Ukraine.

Pointed to the vital importance of the research carried out under the auspice of the Government pursuant to the Bali Protocol on Ukraine's readiness to perform obligations under the WTO Agreement on trade facilitation.

Reported that, according to article 23 of the WTO Agreement on trade facilitation, UNECE Recommendation No. 4 and UN / CEFACT, until the creation of a national body on facilitation of international trade and logistics in Ukraibe carried by the Interagency working group.




2.1. Take note of the Speaker’s information.


2.2. Due to changes in the system of Central bodies of Executive power made by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 10.09.2015 No. 442, to involved Central Executive authorities to determine their Heads (Deputy heads) whose scope covers the issues of legal support of international trade procedures and logistics or matters of European integration to work in the Interagency working group on facilitation of international trade and logistics in Ukraine

Deadline: 01.05.2015             

Responsible body: Secretariat of the IWG, IWG  members

2.3. Involved Central Executive authorities to finalize the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On creation of Interagency working group on facilitation of international trade and logistics in Ukraine and ensure its submission to the Government for consideration.

Deadline: 01.04.2015             

Responsible body: Ministry of the economic development and trade, SFSU. Ministry of justice

2.4. To determine as the purpose of activity of the Interagency working group on facilitation of international trade and logistics in Ukraine for the next two years:

- development and implementation of a National strategy for the facilitation of international trade and logistics;

- preparation for the establishment of a National body on trade facilitation in accordance with UN / ECE Recommendation No. 4.

2.5. To consider at the next meeting of the Interagency working group the report of the UNECE experts regarding the draft report on the readiness of Ukraine to the notification and fulfilment of obligations of the WTO Agreement on trade facilitation.

Deadline: 28.04.2015                    

Responsible body: IWG members

Concerning the third item on the agenda:

On preparations for the Fifth international UNECE seminar "Facilitation of International Trade and Logistics in Ukraine. From Local Solutions to National Strategy."

O. Platonov informed that during the 5th UNECE International seminar  "Facilitation of International Trade and Logistics in Ukraine. From Local Solutions to National Strategy", held on June 2, 2015 in Odessa, under the auspices of the UNECE and the Government of Ukraine, the focus will be made on the results of a study on the readiness of Ukraine to implement the obligations under the WTO Agreement on trade facilitation, and it would be appropriate to decide on further steps in the establishment of the national body and the implementation of the WTO Agreement, the authorities and the organizational structure of the National body on facilitation of international trade and logistics.

Noticed that the state should decide on how to conclude the agreements, starting from the stage of the study. Today, especially in the context of European integration processes, the funds that EU may invest, may be involved in research and designing, then the process of building, operation and management. Then it will be possible to move away from non-transparent schemes. Stressed that all plans for cooperation in the facilitation of international trade and logistics in Ukraine should be organized and consolidated into one General plan, and any programs that must be developed (such as the NCTS, the facilitation by sharing data and others) should be harmonized and should be publicly illuminated.

Has identified funding as one of the most important aspects in this area. And the state must decide whether this funding have to be from the budget, or it will be donors, or private organizations that will carry out the order from the state.

Reported that the agenda of the seminar included three main questions:

- The experience and results of implementation of pilot project "Single window - local solution".

- Prospects of the national body and the national strategy on the facilitation of international trade and logistics in Ukraine.

- The question of public-private partnership




3. Take note of the Speaker’s information.


Concerning the forth item on the agenda:


V. Voronoi informed about the developed draft law of Ukraine "On amendments to some legislative acts concerning the promotion of trade facilitation and logistics in seaports", developed by SE "USPA" and suggested that it be addressed to all participants of the IWG.

O. Platonov suggested to support the proposal of SE "USPA".

Also proposed to hold the next meeting of the IWG on 28.04.2015.




  1. Take note of the Speakers’ information.

4.2. To send the draft Law of Ukraine "On amendments to some legislative acts concerning the promotion of trade facilitation and logistics in seaports" all participants of the IWG.

Deadline: 10.03.2015             

Responsible body: IWG Secretariat

  1. The participants of the IWG to consider the draft Law of Ukraine "On amendments to some legislative acts concerning the promotion of trade facilitation and logistics in seaports" and send to the IWG Secretariat their suggestions and comments.

Deadline: 28.04.2015                    

Responsible body: IWG members

4.4. To hold the next meeting on 28.04.2015.

Responsible body: IWG Secretariat



Presiding                                                                  Volodymyr Shchelkunov