Single  Window is defined as a facility that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information and documents with a single entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements


MINUTES № 2 C of the Interagency Working Group Meeting on Implementation of the "Single Window - Local Solution” Technology in the Area of Southern Customs and Ports of the Odessa Region

MINUTES 2 C                                                

of the Interagency Working and Expert  Groups on implementation of technology "Single Window - local solutions in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region.

Kyiv                                                                                                                         April 26 2012 


Location: Degtarivska str, 11-g

Start of meeting: 03:00 PM    

End of meeting: 05:00 PM  

Participants: Annex № 1




  1. Information on changes in of the Interagency Working and expert groups to implement technology "Single Window - local solutions" in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region.

Time: 10 minutes

Speaker:                                                                            Shchelkunov V, President of ICC Ukraine, head of the initiative group

  1. Information about the work of ministries and agencies for the implementation of the "Single Window - local solutions" in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region.

Time: 20 minutes


O. Emelyanova (National Institute for Strategic Studies)                                                                     Holubyatnikov M. (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health)                             

Olejnik V. (State Administration of Railway Transport of Ukraine "UZ)                                                              

Ptica N. (Association of Customs Brokers of Ukraine)              Hataulin A. (SE "Ukrainian Transport and Logistics Centre)

  1. Functions of a single window at the local level.

Time: 10 minutes                                                                   

Speaker:                                                                                                                        Mario Apostolov, Regional Adviser, UNECE, Department of Commerce

  1. Organization of "single window" and a single port community information in the Odessa Sea Commercial Port.

Time: 10 minutes                                                                     


Voronoj V., head of logistics and commercial work, Odessa Sea Commercial Port

  1. Information on the date and venue of the next meeting of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups

Time: 15 minutes


The meeting was opened by Vladimir Shchelkunov.

From the first issue on the agenda:      

  1. Information on changes in of the Interagency Working and expert groups to implement technology "Single Window - local solutions" in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region.

Mr. Shchelkunov V. reported on changes in the structure of the Interagency Working Group on implementation of technology "Single Window - local solutions" in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region, in particular, was prompted in structure: N. Kuznetsov (SE "UZ"); Starikov V. (State Border Service of Ukraine); Yurchenko K (State Customs Service of Ukraine). Changes in the structure the expert group was asked to enter into structure: Laktionov A. (State Customs Service of Ukraine); Nikolaichuk O. (State Customs Service of Ukraine). Current at 26.04.12 structure of the Interagency working and expert groups attached(Annex 2 to the Protocol)

It was also reported that since the previous meeting, a letter was sent to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, in order to identify the person responsible for coordinating the working group.

It was noted that in Odessa from 28.05.2012 to 01.06.2012 will be undertaken Transport Week and was informed that the launch day freight forwarder Ukraine agreed with the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Economy and other services. Remains to agree with the Ministry of Transport.

On behalf of the Prime Minister every day at 8:45, held a meeting on implementation of e-government.


  1. Information about the work of ministries and agencies for the implementation of the "Single Window - local solutions" in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region.

O. Emelyanova  The report – Annex 3 to the Protocol

Holubyatnikov M. The report – Annex 4 to the Protocol

Olejnik V. – The report – Annex 5 to the Protocol

Ptica N.  - The report – Annex 6 to the Protocol

Hataulin A. - The report – Annex 7 to the Protocol


The discussion was attended by:

Pashko P. (State Customs Service of Ukraine)

O. Platonov (Association "UKRZOVNISHTRANS)

Ptica N. (Association of Customs Brokers of Ukraine)

Nikolaichuk O. (State Customs Service of Ukraine)

Olejnik V. (DAZTU "UZ)

Olejnik V. informed the participants of the meeting that at the crossing points for rail freight traffic control authorities placed in same building on the principle of "single office" and that "UZ" established on a parity basis with the adjacent railway administrations exchange shipping documents in electronic form that provides preliminary information on loads and reduces the time of the wagons with goods at the border.


  1. Functions of a single window at the local level.

Mario Apostolov informed that currently the Odessa Commercial Sea Port (OMTP) has done a lot and will be very interesting to see the results of such work during the transport week in Odessa. It was also reported that it was decided to invite some representatives from the European Association of Information port Services.

Presentation - Annex 8 of the Protocol

The discussion was attended by:

Voronoj V. (SE "Odessa Sea Commercial Port")

O. Emelyanova (National Institute for Strategic Studies)

Pashko P. (State Customs Service of Ukraine)


  1. Organization of "single window" and a single port community information in the Odessa Sea Commercial Port

Voronoj V. - Informed about the readiness of the pilot project in the port, as a first step at private partnership.  He informed that currently offered by the port changes to the CMU Resolution number 1989, which can solve a range of problems. Also proposed to audit the legislation of Ukraine on the possibility of the principle of "silent consent". Also Voronoj V. proposed to members of the working groups and expert on-site (at the Odessa port) to get acquainted with the practical implementation of the information port system and discuss the technological scheme of using the business flow of documents in the form of an electronic record.    

The discussion was attended by:

O. Emelyanova (National Institute for Strategic Studies)

Pashko P. (State Customs Service of Ukraine)

O. Platonov (Association "UKRZOVNISHTRANS)

Holubyatnikov M. (Ministry of Health of Ukraine)

Svystyl S. (ICC Ukraine)

Kalyan V. (SE USCTS "Liska")          

Muromtsev L. (State Customs Service of Ukraine)


In the context of previous reports O. Platonov informed the participants of the meeting that the "UZ" and SCSU held a joint work with the use of transport and customs documents in the form of an electronic record that will be used for the transport of goods using a combined train "Viking" with the involvement of Lithuanian and Belarusian sides.

  1. Information on the date and venue of the next meeting of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups

O. Platonov proposed to make a technical visit of the Interagency Working and Expert Groups to the Odessa commercial sea port within the transport week 29.05.2012 and discuss projects of practical implementation technologies "Single Window - a local solution" - 30.05.2012



Meeting decision of the Interagency Working Group on 26.04.2012 year to introduce the concept of the pilot project "Single Window - a local solution"


  1. Approve changes to the structure of the Interagency Working Group and expert on technology implementation " Single Window - a local solution" in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region.
  2. To inform the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on changes in the structure of the Interagency Working and Expert groups on implementation of technologies "Single Window - a local solution" in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region.
  3. Take into account speeches, proposals of ministries and agencies to implement technology "Single Window - local solutions".
  4. Considering most technical readiness of the port to a pilot project of "single window-local solutions" to start this project with the same port and then spread to other ports.
  5. Suggest participants of Interagency working and expert groups from the State Customs Service of Ukraine and Odessa Sea Commercial Port to prepare a plan for cooperation on technical and technological level to introduce technology "Single Window - local solutions" to of the port and give it to the secretariat of the Interagency Working Group until May 20, 2012 year.
  6. Conduct within the "XITransport week in Odessa" the technical tour for participants of the Interagency Working and expert groups to Odessa Sea Commercial Port, May 29, 2012 and to hold the next the meeting of the Interagency Working and expert groups in the form of a working meeting during the international UNECE Seminar "The introduction of the concept of" single window - Local solutions "(system information Services) in the area of ​​Southern customs and ports of Odessa region May 30, 2012 in Odessa.
  7. Appeal to the Prime Minister of Ukraine to support the 29th - May 30, 2012 within the "Transport XI week in Odessa" measures to accelerate the implementation of technology "single window - Local Solutions" and instruct the ministries and departments to send participants of the Interagency working and expert groups to participate in activities.



Head of meeting                                                                               Vladimir Shchelkunov